“Ebhar Misr” is a grant for gifted students in Egyptian governmental schools under the supervision of “Crédit Agricole Egypt Foundation for Development” and “Education First Foundation” under the supervision of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Solidarity. Believing in the importance of the civil society and private sector’s role in encouraging and motivating the talented students, the program was established. The initiative aims to discover talented students in the fields of science, technology and arts at the age of 14-18 years for all students in Egyptwhich takes place same time, every year. Ebhar Egypt seeks not only to discover talents but also to open more paths to their talents and projects. The grant also aims at sponsoring talented students in these areas by getting the companies, institutions and civil society organizations who believe in the support of gifted youth to sponsor these talents. This is done through the selection of 25 school talents in science, information technology and the arts where they enroll into an annual summer camp. The program has started in the summer of 2018 in which , the best 3 students went to a specialized camp for gifted students in the United States for a week as a reward and incentive for them to continue developing their talents. In addition, all gifted students enrolled in the summer camp received various support from sponsors of the program.


  • helpHow to participate in Ebhar Misr

    For Arts Students:

    Art student who wishes to participate in Ebhar Misr scholarship in either drama, acting, singing or playing musical instruments to send a three-minute video showing his/ her talent
     Specialized Committees will select the best videos for the final filteration and each student will conduct the final interview with a Specialized Committee for the final  appropriate students selection examination
     For Art students in the field of painting they will send their paintings through the website of Ebhar Misr. Then, if the painting  is chosen, an examination will be conducted in the final stage as well as the arts students in both writing and poetry fields.
     For Science and Technology Students:

    Students conduct an on-line examination in thinking and problem solving skills in all specialities.
     Students who pass this exam in the fields of (chemistry, physics, biology, natural science, math) will perform another specialized online exam. Students who pass the specialized exam are to send a 3 minutes video explaining the project related to their specialization done or trying to do.
     Students who are applying for IT specialization if they pass the first stage test they will only send a 3 minutes video explaining the idea of the project they have already done or are trying to do.

  • helpWhat is Ebhar Misr

    “Ebhar Misr” is a grant for gifted students in Egyptian governmental schools under the supervision of “Crédit Agricole Egypt Foundation for Development” and “Education First Foundation” under the supervision of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Solidarity

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